Steps to ordering a Tiny Angel or Faerie 1. E-mail me and let me know what kind of Faerie or Tiny Angel you want. 2.Let me know if your are ordering one and what type you are placing an order for. For example: You want a blonde faerie with blue eyes dressed in purple fabric. Another example: You want A Tiny Angel, with red hair and green eyes and her gown in light green. Faeries and Tiny Angels will be $25.00 each plus $5.00 S&H USA only Money Orders Only e-mail me
All orders must be paid for with money orders. After you order, I will e-mail you with a picture of your Faerie or Tiny Angel for your aproval, if you want her E-mail me and let me know. I will them email you my address to send me the money. If I don't recieve the money from you in two weeks your doll will be put up for adoption. Money orders only! Allow 4 to 6 weeks delivery! Flowers and Fabrics upon availability only.
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